Choose from the list below to find the custom code you need to customise a particular element inside of Ivorey.
Don't see the code you need? Reach out to us inside the Chat Widget and let us know!
Custom Code for Blogs
Custom Code & Colour for 'Author' section on Blog Post Page
Custom Code & Colour for 'Author' section on Blog Post Page
To add custom code to the Author section on your blog post page, follow the steps below.
Finding the Author section:
The Author section is shown at the bottom of your blog post page as shown below:
Where to add your Custom Code:
Add this CSS code to the blog page that the blog element is on by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below:
.blog-html-container-single a,
.blog-author-name {
font-family: ‘sweetsans’ !important;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
color: #959579 !important;
.blog-author-description {
font-family: ‘sweetsans’ !important;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
color: #000 !important;
.blog-author-details {
background-color: #F1EEE2 !important;
border-color: #F1EEE2 !important;
Step 2: Replace the font name and hex codes
Where the font names are in bold in the code above, (e.g ‘sweetsans’) you will need to replace these sections with the font names you want to use instead.
Where the HEX codes are in bold above, (e.g #959579) you will need to replace these sections with your brand hex codes instead.
Step 3: Click Save
Custom Code for Offer Checkouts
Custom Code to change 'Proceed to Checkout' button in Offer Checkout
Custom Code to change 'Proceed to Checkout' button in Offer Checkout
To customise the 'Proceed to Checkout' button inside your Offer Checkouts, follow the steps below:
Where to add your Custom Code:
Add this CSS code on your offer checkout’s Advanced Custom CSS section by going to Courses > Offers > click 'Advanced' under the offer description:
STEP 1: Copy the Custom Code below:
.n-button--primary-type {
--n-color: #9a6a71 !important;
--n-color-hover: #6a2921 !important;
--n-color-pressed: #6a2921 !important;
--n-border: 1px solid #6a2921 !important;
--n-border-hover: 1px solid #9a6a71 !important;
background-color: #9a6a71 !important;
STEP 2: Add your Colour to the Custom Code
Replace the #codes in bold above (e.g #9a6a71) with the colour code you wish to use for the button
Step 3: Click Save
Class: .n-button--primary-type Do not change this unless you are targeting a different button.
*This code won’t automatically apply its changes to all your offer checkouts, you still need to manually add them on each offer checkout.
Understanding the Colour Codes:
--n-color: #9a6a71
This is the main colour users see when the button is in its normal state.
--n-color-hover: #6a2921
This is the hover colour.
--n-color-pressed: #6a2921
Changes the button colour when pressed.
--n-border: 1px solid #6a2921
Border color
--n-border-hover: 1px solid #9a6a71
When hovered, the border changes to this lighter shade
background-colour: #9a6a71
Sets the background colour to match the default button colour. This is gonna ensure consistent button colour, even in case of fallback or override issues.
Custom Code for Order Forms
Custom Code to edit Bump Offer
Custom Code to edit Bump Offer
To customise the bump offer element to inside your Sales Funnel please follow the steps below.
Where to Add your Custom Code
Add this CSS code to the order form page of your funnel by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below
You will need to copy the code below and paste it into your Custom Css box in the screen shown above.
.heading-text-zindex {
position: relative;
z-index: 20;
.img-zindex {
position: relative;
z-index: 10;
.divider-form {
background: #FA008A !important;
.divider-form i, .step2 i {
color: #FA008A !important;
.form-step .active {
color: #000 !important;
.form-body {
color: #000 !important;
.ctwo-setp-order-FaKHIYl9Rp .main-section {
background-color: #F57AAD !important;
.ctwo-setp-order-FaKHIYl9Rp .order-bump-container {
background-color: #F2F1EB !important;
.ctwo-setp-order-FaKHIYl9Rp p {
color: #000 !important;
.ctwo-setp-order-FaKHIYl9Rp span .order-bump-container {
color: #fefefe !important;
.order-bump-container .headline {
color: #fefefe !important;
.apply-btn, .apply-coupon-btn:disabled {
background-color: #F57AAD !important;
color: #000 !important;
.apply-coupon-btn {
background-color: #FA008A !important;
color: #fefefe !important;
.item-price {
color: #FA008A !important;
[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"] {
accent-color: #000;
color: #000 !important;
border-color: #000;
[type="checkbox"]:focus, [type="radio"]:focus {
--tw-ring-color: #FA008A !important;
outline: none;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #FA008A;
.bump--flashing-arrow {
filter: invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(0%) brightness(200%) contrast(100%);
Step 2: Edit the code to match your brand & unique class name
Before you save the custom code you just pasted in your Custom CSS box, you will need to do the following two steps to make sure the bump offer is updated to your brand colours and directed to your specific order form:
Step 3: Add your brand colour hex codes
Anywhere the code has a hex code written (#FA008A for example) you will need to replace this with your own brand colour hex codes
Step 4: Add your unique order form class name
Anywhere the code has FaKHIYl9Rp written, you will need to replace this with your own unique order form class code.
To find this code click on the order form element > on the right hand settings menu click the 'advanced tab' > scroll to the very bottom where you will see CSS Selector > your code is under that. Copy the letter/number combination and replace FaKHIYl9Rp anywhere you see it written in the code.
Step 5: Click Save
Watch a short video tutorial on how to add your custom code and update your hex codes and unique order form class name
Custom Code for Websites
Custom Code to add custom fonts the FAQ element on your Website
Custom Code to add custom fonts the FAQ element on your Website
To add custom fonts to the FAQ element on your website, follow the steps below.
Where to add your Custom Code:
Add this CSS code to the website page that the FAQ element is on by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below:
#faq-DaMGIBqyeG .hl-faq-child-item-text p,
#faq-DaMGIBqyeG .hl-faq-child-heading-text {
font-family: ‘sweetsanslight’ !important;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
#faq-kIq0FgPm1u .hl-faq-child-item-text p,
#faq-kIq0FgPm1u .hl-faq-child-heading-text {
font-family: ‘sweetsanslight’ !important;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Step 2: Replace the FAQ element's unique ID
Where #faq-DaMGIBqyeG is listed in bold, you will need to replace with your own FAQ elements unique ID.
To find your FAQ elements unique ID:
Click on the FAQ Element > on the right hand settings menu click the Advanced tab > scroll all the way to the bottom > under CSS Selector is your FAQ elements unique ID, copy this code and replace it in all the sections of the code above where #faq-DaMGIBqyeG is listed.
Step 3: Replace the font name
Where the font names are in bold in the code above, (e.g 'sweetsanslight') you will need to replace these sections with the font name you want to use instead.
Step 3: Click Save
Custom Code to remove 'published date' displayed on blog post element of your website
Custom Code to remove 'published date' displayed on blog post element of your website
To remove the 'published date' displayed on the blog element of your website please follow the steps below:
Where to add your Custom Code:
Add this CSS code to the website page that the blog element is on by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below:
.blog-item-date {
display: none !important;
Step 2: Click Save
Custom Code to add custom fonts to blog element on your website
Custom Code to add custom fonts to blog element on your website
If you want to customise the blog element to match your website fonts please follow the steps below:
Where to add your Custom Code:
Add this CSS code to the website page that the blog element is on by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below:
@import url(';700&family=Montserrat:[email protected]&display=swap');
.blog-item-texts h1,
.blog-item-texts h2,
.blog-item-texts h2 a,
.blog-item-texts h3,
.blog-item-texts h4,
.blog-item-texts h5,
.blog-item-texts h6 {
font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif !important;
font-weight: 700;
.blog-item-texts p,
.blog-item-texts span,
.blog-item-texts a {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important;
font-weight: 400;
.blog-item-category {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important;
.hl-category-nav-menu-text {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important;
Step 2: Replace Import URL with the Google Font Import url
Step 1:2: Go to > type in your google font in the search bar > click 'Get Font' > click 'Get embed code' > click import
Step 2:2: Copy the import url and paste inside the brackets of @import url under 'Custom Code 2:1 to replace the font for the Blog Title and blog Details'
Step 3: Replace the font name and variable style
Where the font names are in bold in the code above, (e.g Playfair Display) you will need to replace these sections with the font names you want to use instead.
You can also change the font weight as required by changing the number listed under the font name in the code.
Step 4: Click Save
Watch a short video tutorial on how to add your custom code and copy the google import url below:
Custom Code for Stores
Custom Code for 'show more' link on Product Details Page
Custom Code for 'show more' link on Product Details Page
To customise the colour of the 'show more' link on the product details page of your store please follow the steps below:
The 'show more' link:
Where to Add your Custom Code
Add this CSS code to the product details page of your store by clicking on the paint brush icon on the edit menu bar:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below
.show-more {
color: #373004 !important;
Step 2: Add your brand colour hex codes
Replace #373004 in the code with the hex code you want to change it to.
Step 3: Click Save
Custom Code for Client Portal
Custom Code to remove the Portal Name and Portal Description from the Client Portal Login page
Custom Code to remove the Portal Name and Portal Description from the Client Portal Login page
To customise remove the Portal Name and Portal Description from the Client Portal Login page please follow the steps below:
Where to Add your Custom Code
Add this CSS code to the branding settings of your client portal by going to Courses > Client Portal > Settings > Branding > Advanced > Custom CSS box:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below
.text-5xl {
display: none;
.my-4 {
display: none;
Step 2: Click Save
Custom Code for Communities
Custom Code to change the colour of the 'search bar' inside your Community Group.
Custom Code to change the colour of the 'search bar' inside your Community Group.
Where to Add your Custom Code
Add this CSS code to the branding settings of your client portal by going to Courses > Communities > Groups > Login into your Community > click Settings > Branding > Advanced > Custom CSS box:
Step 1: Copy the Custom Code below
.placeholder\:text-communities-font-secondary::placeholder {
color: #fefefe;
.bg-communities-search-background {
background-color: #8c3614;
Step 2: Add your brand colour hex codes
Replace #8c3614 in the code with the hex code you want to change it to.
Step 3: Click Save